The Top Management of Azienda Chimica Genovese reputes Quality a key element of her strategy and firmly promotes quality at all levels of her organization; being aware of her leadership, ACG spreads and supports the commitment to satisfy all requirements of her Managing System for Quality and to continually improve its effectiveness, and also transmit to the whole personnel the importance of knowledge managing (passing the right information to the right person at the right moment).

For this purpose a Quality Management System has been established according to the norm UNI EN ISO 9001. ACG requires to her personnel, during their activities, what is prescribed by the Quality manual and the procedures.

The Top Management of ACG is committed to the achievement of the following objectives:

  • meeting the applicable requirements
  • continuous improvement of the management system


ACG plans and implements the continuous activity of staff involvement, training and updating activities for the personnel at all levels, especially for those involved in Quality activities.

Quality Policy commitments are translated into a defined and measurable plan of goals and targets for each organization levels.

The Quality Policy defined by the Top Management, consistent with the Organization’s general policy and strategy, establishes the following primary objectives:

  • Research and Development
  • Technological Innovation
  • Development of New Markets
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Service Quality
  • Organisational Development
  • Personnel Involvement


TheTop Managementcommits itself to make available resources and means adequate to the set objectives and goals, in terms of competence, equipment, economical and financial resources, and to constantly monitor their adequacy.

TheTop Managementwill found its decisions on the information and data analysis, it promotes, within the organization, a methodological approach focused on the systematic data collection and their complete analysis.  For this purpose the Top Management appoints Quality System Manager as its own representative for the monitoring, keeping and improving activity of the Quality system, according to the goals. The Quality System Manager can make use of the collaboration of trained assistants.

Internal audits, at planned intervals, are conducted to verify the quality management system application and effectiveness in reaching the objectives and to plan any corrective and improvement actions.

The Top Management commits itself to review, every year, the effectiveness of the Quality System and to give directions in the correction and/or improvement of the Quality System Management. In this occasion the Top Management also verifies the achievement of the yearly objectives of Quality and analyzes any deviation.

The ACG Quality Policy is periodically reviewed, during the Quality Managing System’s review and during any modification/revision to the Quality Managing System, and implemented when necessary.

To promote the diffusion and understanding of the Quality Policy, the Top Management meets the Dept. Managers in order to be ensure that they are aware of their own role in the Organization.